Check back my post. I held at $480, I held at $40 then at $200 and then again at $350. I am not leaving!!! Stop wasting my apes time. I said it before I’ll say it again. HOLDING FOR CAMARADERIE!! 1 min read 4 years ago cripto via wallstreetbets at March 22, 2021 at 07:20AM Ready Full Article: Tags: wallstreetbets Continue Reading Previous This fun website shows us the power of dollar cost averaging. If you bought at 20k in 2017 you have tripled your money. If you dollar cost averaged until now (using the same amount of money) you’d be up 630% – more than seven times your principal. $100 a week is now $126k (2.2 btc). Gold is 18%Next Google Searches for Bitcoin Soar in Turkey Due to Collapsing Lira