Weapons loaded and unlocked. It’s time to make them bleed again! 1 min read 4 years ago cripto via wallstreetbets at February 05, 2021 at 11:42AM Ready Full Article: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ld5gs5/weapons_loaded_and_unlocked_its_time_to_make_them/ Tags: wallstreetbets Continue Reading Previous Convinced my wife that we should drop 1k in GME. Got in at $320, wanted to sell when it hit $75 because of the sorry state of the sub, she said absolutely not, those are our grandchildrens stocks! We are in our 20s! She has the real 💎👐🚀Next If they go after DFV for this, SEC is really sick in the head. One of the few guys that actually did serious DD and stuck to his guns. He didn’t start a rally, we just followed the path.