Welcome back zjz, the Wizard of Modz 1 min read 4 years ago cripto via wallstreetbets at February 17, 2021 at 02:59AM Ready Full Article: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/llkgd2/welcome_back_zjz_the_wizard_of_modz/ Tags: wallstreetbets Continue Reading Previous $29k MVIS yolo update. My avarage cost was $1.80(12k shares)I sold and bought many times. I sold 40 option contracts for 64k(3000%). I already pulled $40k from RH. Now im just going to hold rest(15000 shares and 50 contracts)for BO.Next Cathie added 1,560,200 shares of PLTR to ARKW today, you know what that means🚀🚀